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Collecting passports is a great hobby and you are not alone.    
But where do you get them? And where you can get one fast?

Here in my shop especially for collectors.
Get a new passport for your collection!


"Marco Redmer Passports" is a personal store for collectors of vintage travel documents, expired passports and other invalidated documents. 
Find your collector's item for your collection or start collecting now. If you need some help, I'll assist you.

Discover the store

You're welcome!

All documents shown on this linked website, including all travel documents, as well as all documents and travel documents offered in the shop have either expired, cancelled, invalidated or have been invalidated or made invalid
 in any other way for other reasons. They are offered or sold exclusively for collectors, hobbyists and research purposes and are not intended for improper use in any way or form. 
By purchasing an item, the buyer expressly agrees to this condition. I accept no responsibility for the way in which the buyer uses the purchased items and exclude any liability in this context.
All items shown and offered are to be understood as politically neutral. They do not take any position on political events, either past, present or future.

Copyright 2024 mrpassports.com by Marco Redmer